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i finished two poetry ebooks because i'm not good in writing

through it all is a collection of poems that i’ve written before. some poems were already posted on my social media accounts, but some are hidden in a journal and have never been posted since then. through it all is a book about life advice and love. and now, i really want to share these positive poems with you for free. i know we all have struggles in life, but we should not have to forget to make ourselves feel happy. may this book help you to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. i hope you like it. poems ‘n cheek is also a collection of 30 poems dedicated to chiara mata ignacio. i start writing this book in August 2020 and finished in September 2020. i also have a hard copy of this that is already bound.  this book means a lot to me because all i’ve written here is not giving me difficulties, but instead, it gives me happiness because all the words are natural feelings. this book is one of the reasons why i start writing again, because i stopped writing when my novel wa

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