a silver lining: a poem

a silver lining

it was dark when i was in my room 

the only person i can talk about is me

it was dark when i was crying 

to release all the pain that i’ve been holding since 

i was broken. 

i was broke not because of love; 

i was broke not because of people who hate me;

i was broke not because of my friends who left me 

when they have the plan to go anywhere and they didn't inform me;

but i was broke not knowing why i suddenly feel unworthy.

when i was lying in my bed, 

full of negative thoughts in my head 

i don’t know what happened to me

my tears suddenly dropped, my head full of sweat 

i closed my eyes and I felt my body is drowning in my tears 

what happened to me, what happened to me, i whispers

when i open my eyes i saw nothing, but the silver lining 

there’s hope, there’s hope, that’s what i've said 

when i was drowning in my tears and sweat of anxiety

when the silver lining appears, 

the darkness in my mind turns into magnificent light;

the silver lining helps me to think wondrously;

the silver lining refresh my mind and help me to flee 

from my downhearted world.

i was ill at that time, isn’t it? — but now i feel better. 

the problem is overthinking, the only problem is me.


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