routine is hell the environment as well

it’s been how many months I haven’t updated my blog again, and for many months I really missed the day that the problem I have is understanding the archaic words from the 19th-century novels. Adulthood is different, having a routine to have a seven-hours of sleep and wake up to go to work is something challenging—but I love it.

I love the day when my first day of being hired in a company, I was very excited to go to work and learn, discover, and adapting the environment that what company has. I make friends I love talking to them every single minute, learning together about the work, and coffee together.

For how many months I feel something that strange, disturbing, I feel like I’m not comfortable with what I have felt in an environment. I heard so many issues, gossip, and judgments which I don’t really know what’s happening and something that I don’t want to belong with. I don’t mind the others opinion, however, the more I ignore them, the more I got distracted.

I’m the kind of person who has a wide vision. I came in to be one of the professionals in the company. But time goes by, I don’t have any plan to be what I want to be. This place is not meant for me, let’s say you can make a lot of money, but what is money if you are not comfortable in the environment, and if it’s not healthy for you.

But now, I’m still here having a plan that hopes will be effective; that I should have focused on my progress and don’t give a fuck of others. That’s all for me. 


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