whatever you want


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
-Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings

Before starting this blog again I want you to tell yourself “Thank you for being kind to me. Sometimes we fell, sometimes we go up, and all the time we feel exhaustion. But thank you because we are still here” For me, life is not about the consistency of what you have, but it’s all about the practicality of getting what you want that can make you more comfortable and grow. 

Let’s start over again, I know that we have been through a lot of days, years, and months, dealing with the things that we think we deserve. Sometimes good things happen to us, and we think that’s the only euphoria that being existent in this world full of the fair path. We didn’t realize that settling into one thing will grasp us to avoid getting grower and more mature. Let me share this story, I do have a friend, he’s a new friend, of course, he’s working for about how many years in the same industry without getting what he wants; a promotion. Promotion is the goal, of course, there’s no reason to stay in that company without getting a career development. He was being promised that he will be promoted, but after how many months of waiting to change his career, there’s nothing happened. He complained about it. And now he was being promised again. Just try to imagine for how many years of working on the same shit, there will be no career enhancement or maturity that will happen to him. I believe this guy because he knows what he wants. And he’s not settling for less. 

That’s how life is. We need to be more practical about what we have right now. Because all things are not all about money, it is also about getting a grower. And the point is, I let you to read this blog to tell you that I am not settling for less. There’s something I want that I can feel more grower than what I have right now. But still be thankful for many months of learning, because I know myself more than I have thought before. 


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