The Importance of Being Kind

The Hug Of War

Shel woke up early in the morning he gets his book on his bookshelves and he brought it in the dining room. When Shel is sitting on the sofa he decided to go to the park. When Shel is walking he found Charles walking a long way. Shel invites Charles to go to the park and Charles nodded at him. When Charles and Shel are in the park they found a group of guys who played at the center, Charles went on them and Charles invites Shel to play with them but Shel told Charles he will follow after he is done writing. After a minute they have done playing, and one of Charles' friends went on Shel. He invites Shel to play a tug of war and Shel said “Why tug of war? How about a hug of war? That everyone’s hugs instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, where everyone kisses, and everyone grins and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins." The friend of Charles shocked about Shel said and the friend of Charles went on with his other friends. He informs them that Shel’s has a good idea, Charles and his friends went on Shel, and Shel grinned at them. They started to play a hug of war. After an hour, they are done playing. Charles and Shel went to the library.


When Charles and Shel are in the library, they talked about the game of Shel. “Where’s the game came from?” Charles asked. “I wrote a poem a while ago based on kindness that’s why I told your friend to play a hug of war,” Shel answered. Charles shocked, and he was happy about the poem of Shel. After a minute Charles decided to go home because of his curfew “Thank you, Shel, I will go home now” and Shel smiled at him. Shel staying at the library with his book and poem and he started to write again. After a minute, Shel decided to go to the other park and he walked through the door. He found an old librarian, “Good afternoon Madam” the old woman smiled at him and she said, “Good afternoon to you Shel Silverstein, have pleased to see you again” Shel smiled at her and he continues to walk through the park.


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